Using Cursor and Claude for frontend development feels like asking a backend developer to design the UI — it works, but the results are often underwhelming. The designs, even after several iterations, often feel clunky, unattractive, and barely usable. While these tools excel in backend tasks, they fall short when creating polished interfaces.

But things changed when I started using V0. After one week, the difference was night and day.

Why V0 is the Go-To for Frontend Development

Here’s what I learned after just a week with V0:

  1. Visual Excellence Right From the Start
    The first iteration from V0 already looked far better than anything I could achieve using Cursor or Claude, even after multiple tries. The designs were clean, professional, and needed minimal tweaking to be production-ready.
  2. Component Flexibility
    V0’s default setup uses shadCN, but it allows you to bring your own component library. Personally, I prefer TailwindUI for all my projects. I can easily store and load UI components as context for V0, further speeding up the process and ensuring the designs fit within my project’s overall structure.

A Hybrid Workflow: Start with V0, Finish with Cursor/Claude

The secret to a productive workflow in 2024 is knowing which tools to use at the right time.

  • Switch to Cursor/Claude for Backend: Once the frontend is set, I switch to Cursor or Claude to handle backend logic. V0 outputs clean React code in either JavaScript or TypeScript, making the transition smooth.

Begin with V0 for Frontend: V0 is designed for quick, visual iterations. I typically go through 10-15 iterations until the UI is almost exactly what I want. Once satisfied, I export the components by running:

npx shadcn@latest add "https://v0.dev/chat/b/…"

This lets me integrate the generated React components directly into my existing codebase.

Optimized Instructions Matter — A Lot

In 2024, instructions are everything. The difference between an AI tool producing mediocre output and an outstanding result often comes down to the clarity and precision of your prompts. With the right guidance, these tools can perform far better. Below are examples of how to optimize prompts for both frontend and backend tasks.

Example: Frontend Instructions Using V0

Project Overview

We’ll build a web app where users can input a text prompt to generate an emoji using a model hosted on Replicate.

Feature Requirements

  • Use Next.js, shadCN, Lucid, Supabase, and Clerk.
  • Create a form where users input prompts and click a button to generate emojis.
  • Display a clean, animated UI when the emoji is blank or being generated.
  • Display all generated emojis in a grid format.
  • When hovering over an emoji, show icons for downloading or liking the emoji.

Frontend Optimized Instructions for V0

Design a form with a text input for the emoji prompt. Add a "Generate" button to call the Replicate API. Make sure the UI animates when the emoji is being generated, and use Tailwind for the layout. Display all generated emojis in a responsive grid. Include download and like icons on hover.

File Structure

Ensure new components are stored in components/ui, and use Tailwind for all styling.

Example: Backend Instructions Using Cursor/Claude

Backend Task Overview

The backend will handle generating emojis via Replicate and store metadata in Supabase.

Optimized Backend Instructions

import Replicate from "replicate";
const replicate = new Replicate({
  auth: process.env.REPLICATE_API_TOKEN

const input = {
  prompt: "A cartoon emoji of a panda",
  apply_watermark: false

const output = await replicate.run(
  { input }
//=> Returns emoji image URL

// Store the generated URL and metadata in Supabase

Backend Integration with Supabase

Ensure that all generated emoji URLs are stored in a Supabase database for later retrieval, and set up endpoints to serve the stored data when needed.

Optimized Backend Instructions for Emoji Maker Web App

Here’s a streamlined approach to the backend setup, making the process more efficient and easier to implement. Clear instructions and optimized structure will ensure smooth integration across the backend logic.

Project Overview

You’re building the backend for an emoji generator web app that leverages Next.js, Supabase, and Clerk for user authentication, image storage, and data management.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js: Framework for both frontend and backend
  • Supabase: Database and storage solution
  • Clerk: User authentication

Pre-Configured Resources

Supabase Storage Bucket

  • Bucket: emojis (For storing generated emoji images)

Supabase Tables

1. emojis

  image_url TEXT NOT NULL,
  prompt TEXT NOT NULL,
  likes_count NUMERIC DEFAULT 0,
  creator_user_id TEXT NOT NULL,

2. profiles

CREATE TABLE profiles (
  tier TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'free' CHECK (tier IN ('free', 'pro')),
  stripe_customer_id TEXT,
  stripe_subscription_id TEXT,

Requirements and Optimized Workflow

1. User Registration Flow (Clerk + Supabase Integration)

  • Sign-In Check:
    • When a user signs in via Clerk, retrieve the userId.
    • Step 1: Check if this userId already exists in the profiles table.
    • Step 2: If it doesn’t exist, insert a new record into the profiles table.
    • Step 3: If it does exist, proceed and pass the userId to other functions (like emoji generation).

Code Example:

const { userId } = useClerk();
const { data, error } = await supabase
  .eq('user_id', userId);

if (data.length === 0) {
  await supabase
    .insert([{ user_id: userId, credits: 3, tier: 'free' }]);

2. Upload Emoji to Supabase Storage and Store Metadata

  • When a user generates an emoji, upload the image file returned from Replicate to the Supabase emojis storage bucket.
  • Insert the image URL and creator_user_id into the emojis table.

Code Example:

async function uploadEmoji(emojiImage, userId, prompt) {
  const { data: uploadData, error: uploadError } = await supabase
    .upload(`emojis/${emojiImage.name}`, emojiImage);
  if (uploadError) throw new Error('Error uploading emoji');

  const imageUrl = uploadData.publicURL;

  const { data: insertData, error: insertError } = await supabase
      { image_url: imageUrl, prompt, creator_user_id: userId }

  if (insertError) throw new Error('Error saving emoji data');

3. Display Emojis in a Grid with Real-Time Updates

  • Fetch and display all images stored in the emojis table in a grid format.
  • Set up a real-time listener to automatically update the grid whenever a new emoji is generated.

Code Example:

async function fetchEmojis() {
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .order('created_at', { ascending: false });

  if (error) throw new Error('Error fetching emojis');

  return data;  // Return array of emojis to render in grid

// Set up a real-time listener
  .on('INSERT', payload => {
    console.log('New emoji:', payload.new);
    // Update the grid with the new emoji

4. Likes Interaction

  • When a user clicks the ‘like’ button, increase the likes_count in the emojis table.
  • When a user unchecks the ‘like’ button, decrease the likes_count.

Code Example:

async function handleLike(emojiId, liked) {
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .update({ likes_count: liked ? 'likes_count + 1' : 'likes_count - 1' })
    .eq('id', emojiId);

  if (error) throw new Error('Error updating likes');

Optimized Example for Uploading Files to Supabase Storage

The process of uploading files (such as emoji images) to Supabase storage involves using their client library.

Code Example:

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';

// Create Supabase client
const supabase = createClient(process.env.SUPABASE_URL, process.env.SUPABASE_API_KEY);

// Upload file using standard upload method
async function uploadFile(file) {
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .upload(`emojis/${file.name}`, file);

  if (error) {
    console.error('Upload error:', error);
    return null;
  } else {
    console.log('File uploaded successfully:', data);
    return data;  // Returns the upload details, including the public URL

Final Thoughts: Why Instructions Matter

In 2024, precise instructions are crucial for optimizing workflows. Whether it's managing user authentication with Clerk or handling file uploads and database operations with Supabase, clear guidance ensures efficient execution.

For frontend, tools like V0 handle design beautifully, while Cursor/Claude can manage backend tasks effectively. But neither will deliver optimal results without the right instructions. So, by refining and structuring backend tasks carefully, you ensure seamless interactions and better performance for the entire app.

By following these optimized instructions, you’ll have a clear, efficient backend setup for your emoji generator app, allowing you to move quickly from concept to reality.

Optimizing Tools Through Clear Instructions

Being a full stack developer in 2024 means mastering a hybrid approach. V0 has revolutionized frontend design with its simplicity and high-quality output, while Cursor/Claude remains invaluable for backend development. But ultimately, the secret lies in clear, optimized instructions. Knowing how to guide these tools effectively can make the difference between subpar results and a fully polished application.

Whether it's giving V0 precise design prompts or feeding Cursor/Claude the right backend instructions, it's clear that the future of full stack development is about the synergy between human guidance and AI-powered execution.

General Instructions for Efficient Backend and Frontend Development

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to build and structure your backend and frontend code with best practices. These principles and conventions help maintain code quality, scalability, and performance across the entire development process.

1. Code Style and Structure

  • Modular and Functional: Write concise, functional TypeScript code using declarative programming patterns. Avoid classes; favor iteration and modularization over code duplication.
  • Descriptive Naming: Use clear, descriptive variable names (e.g., isLoading, hasError) to improve readability.
  • File Organization:
    • Exported component
    • Subcomponents
    • Helpers
    • Static content
    • Types

2. Key Conventions

  • Next.js State Management: Rely on Next.js App Router for state changes instead of client-side tools.
  • Optimize for Web Vitals:
    • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
    • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
    • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Minimize 'use client':
    • Use server components and Next.js SSR features wherever possible.
    • Only use 'use client' for Web API access in small components, not for data fetching or state management.

3. Naming Conventions

  • Directories: Use lowercase with dashes (e.g., components/auth-wizard).
  • Exports: Favor named exports for all components.

4. TypeScript Usage

  • TypeScript First: Use TypeScript for all your code. Prefer interfaces over types and avoid enums—use maps instead.
  • Functional Components: Implement functional components using TypeScript interfaces, avoiding class-based components.

5. Syntax and Formatting

  • Pure Functions: Use the function keyword for pure functions.
  • Concise Conditionals: Avoid unnecessary curly braces. Use concise one-line syntax for simple conditional statements (e.g., if (condition) doSomething()).
  • Declarative JSX: Keep JSX clean and declarative.

6. UI and Styling

  • Component Libraries: Use Shadcn UI, Radix UI, and Tailwind for components and styling.
  • Responsive Design: Implement responsive design using Tailwind CSS, following a mobile-first approach.

7. Performance Optimization

  • Server Components: Prioritize server components to minimize client-side rendering (useEffect, useState). Use Suspense with fallbacks where necessary.
  • Dynamic Loading: Dynamically load non-critical components to enhance performance.
  • Optimize Images: Use WebP format for images, include size data, and implement lazy loading for performance optimization.

Backend-Specific Guidelines

1. User Authentication with Clerk

  • Clerk User Flow:
    • On user sign-in, retrieve userId from Clerk.
    • Check if userId exists in the profiles table of Supabase.
    • If not, create a new user entry in profiles.
    • Pass the userId to the necessary functions (e.g., for emoji generation).

2. Supabase Integration for File Uploads

  • Upload File to Supabase Storage:
    • Upload the emoji image file returned by Replicate to the emojis bucket.
    • Store the image_url and creator_user_id in the emojis table.

Optimized Example:

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';

const supabase = createClient(process.env.SUPABASE_URL, process.env.SUPABASE_API_KEY);

async function uploadEmoji(emojiImage: File, userId: string, prompt: string) {
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .upload(`emojis/${emojiImage.name}`, emojiImage);
  if (error) throw new Error('Upload failed');

  const imageUrl = data.publicURL;

  const { data: insertData, error: insertError } = await supabase
    .insert({ image_url: imageUrl, prompt, creator_user_id: userId });

  if (insertError) throw new Error('Database insert failed');

Frontend-Specific Guidelines

1. Form and Prompt Handling

  • Emoji Generation Form: Create a form that allows users to input a text prompt and generates an emoji when a button is clicked.

Optimized Example:

function EmojiGeneratorForm() {
  const [prompt, setPrompt] = useState('');
  const [emoji, setEmoji] = useState(null);

  async function generateEmoji() {
    const result = await fetch('/api/generate-emoji', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ prompt }) });
    const { emojiUrl } = await result.json();

  return (
      <input value={prompt} onChange={(e) => setPrompt(e.target.value)} placeholder="Enter your prompt" />
      <button onClick={generateEmoji}>Generate Emoji</button>
      {emoji && <img src={emoji} alt="Generated emoji" />}

2. Real-Time Grid Update

  • Real-Time Emoji Display: Use Supabase's real-time API to update the emoji grid when new emojis are generated.

Optimized Example:

const { data: emojis, error } = await supabase
  .order('created_at', { ascending: false });

  .on('INSERT', payload => {
    console.log('New emoji:', payload.new);
    // Update UI to show new emoji

General Principles for TypeScript + Node.js Projects

  • Functional Programming: Write all functions in a modular and declarative way.
  • RORO Pattern: Use "Receive an Object, Return an Object" to ensure flexibility.
  • Error Handling: Handle errors at the start of functions with early returns to avoid deeply nested logic. Implement user-friendly error messages.

Error Handling Example:

function processUserInput({ userId, prompt }: { userId: string, prompt: string }) {
  if (!userId || !prompt) return { error: 'Missing required fields' };

  // Happy path here
  return { success: true, message: 'Processing complete' };


By following these structured guidelines, you’ll maintain high code quality, ensure performance optimizations, and simplify error handling. Whether it’s backend services, frontend UI, or general architecture, these principles will keep your project scalable and clean.

Always optimize both frontend and backend instructions with a clear flow and minimize client-side rendering when possible to keep performance high.