Savage Attitude

In the dynamic and ever-evolving sphere of digital art, innovative talents continue to push boundaries and redefine the contemporary art scene. Pioneers of the movement, Jared Aufrichtig, and Samurai Farai, are raising the bar with their debut one-on-one NFT collection.

Jared Aufrichtig, a multidisciplinary artist and reigning champion of one-of-one NFT art in Africa, brings to the table an impressive portfolio, including top-ranking global sales and vast contributions to fine art, photography, film production, and visual arts. His works have earned accolades worldwide, featuring in over a hundred publications, museums, and galleries, alongside his commendable 700+ page coffee table book dedicated to South African youth culture.

Pairing with Jared is Samurai Farai, otherwise known as Farai Engelbrecht, a prominent South African contemporary artist renowned for his unique take on cubist portraiture. Drawing inspiration from greats like George Condo, Basquiat, and Picasso, Farai's work delves deep into human dynamics, emotions, psychology, and spirituality. A robust advocate for mental health awareness, Farai employs a bold and vibrant palette to celebrate human multiplicity and encourage discourse.

Their NFT offering, "Savage Attitude," brilliantly marries their distinctive styles and diverse backgrounds. This exquisite art piece, born of charcoal, pastel, oil stick, and Sakura solid marker on Fabriano fine art cotton rag, measures 28.5cm by 39.5cm. Yet, the allure of "Savage Attitude" extends beyond the physical realm, resonating powerfully in the Metaverse. The NFT version of this artwork, meticulously animated by Clinton Jones, encapsulates the digital twin of its tangible counterpart, giving it a breath of life in the virtual domain.

This art piece transcends mere digital possession. The buyer of "Savage Attitude" acquires not just an NFT but also the original artwork itself, creating a symbiotic existence between physical and digital spaces. Thus, "Savage Attitude" not only captivates in the physical world but also makes a statement in the digital realm.

This collection sets a precedent in the NFT art sphere, offering a unique blend of traditional artistic craftsmanship and digital innovation. It serves as a testimony to Aufrichtig and Farai's commitment to pushing the boundaries.

Integrating physical and digital art realms represents a paradigm shift in the NFT space, and we are thrilled to witness and share their artistic odyssey.

Stay tuned and follow Jared Aufrichtig and Samurai Farai on Twitter.

Savage Attitude by Expressions Aufrichtig is now listed on Opensea