The Bearly contract, a custom ERC-721 smart contract designed for a unique non-fungible token (NFT) collection, boasts a range of distinctive features that cater to the specific requirements and intricacies of the Bearly NFT ecosystem. Below, we delve into these features, highlighting their significance and potential advantages for this specialized contract.

Custom NFT Minting Logic

The Bearly contract introduces custom minting logic through its mint function. This function empowers users to mint new NFTs while enforcing constraints on maximum elements, batch minting limits, and per-NFT pricing. This tailored logic ensures that the NFT collection adheres to the specific rules set forth by the Bearly project.

Sale Control

The contract incorporates a saleIsOpen modifier, enabling precise control over when NFTs can be minted. It evaluates whether the sale has concluded based on the total supply and the contract's paused status, providing a mechanism to regulate the minting process effectively.

Pausable Feature

Inheriting from ERC721Pausable, the Bearly contract equips the contract owner with the ability to pause and unpause the contract. This functionality serves as a valuable safety net, allowing for the suspension of all token transfers during emergencies or maintenance periods.

Revenue Splitting

The withdrawAll function within the contract hints at a revenue-sharing mechanism. It divides the contract's balance, directing a percentage to a developer's address and the remainder to the creator's address. This feature supports transparent revenue distribution within the Bearly ecosystem.

Reveal Timestamp

The contract includes a reveal_timestamp constant, which appears to be a crucial component of a reveal mechanism. Such mechanisms are common in NFT launches, where metadata for NFTs is unveiled at specific times.

Event Emission

Every time a new token is minted, the Bearly contract emits the CreateBearly event. This event serves as a trigger for off-chain applications to respond to mint events, enhancing the versatility of the contract's use cases.

Token Enumeration

By inheriting from ERC721Enumerable, the contract enables token enumeration, a feature not inherently present in the standard ERC-721. This functionality allows for queries related to total supply and the listing of all tokens owned by specific addresses.

Burnable Tokens

The contract integrates the ERC721Burnable extension, permitting users to burn (permanently destroy) their tokens. This adds flexibility to token management.

Custom Base URI Management

Contract owners possess the capability to set a baseTokenURI, which forms the foundation for constructing the complete URI for each token's metadata. This feature facilitates the efficient management of token data.

SafeMath and Counters

The contract employs SafeMath to safeguard against integer overflows and Counters to ensure the secure incrementation of token IDs, fortifying the contract's reliability.

Interface Support

In line with compatibility requirements, the contract overrides the supportsInterface function to declare its support for specific interfaces, ensuring harmonious integration with ERC-721 and its extensions.

Overridden Hook

The _beforeTokenTransfer hook receives special attention within the contract, aligning the logic of ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, and ERC721Pausable. This meticulous integration ensures that all essential checks and balances are in place before executing any token transfers.


The Bearly contract and its features are presented here for informational and educational purposes. It is imperative for potential users and project stakeholders to recognize that the Bearly contract should not be regarded as an investment opportunity. Utilization of this contract should be grounded in a thorough assessment of its suitability for specific project requirements. The creators and contributors of the Bearly project bear no responsibility for any outcomes resulting from its utilization. It is advisable to seek professional advice before engaging with this contract or any blockchain-related activities.